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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Not Today...

This morning has already been exhausting & sucky.  I had to deal with my pharmacy again to fix an order I place yesterday.  I really wish there was another pharmacy I could use besides CVS.  

Past that, fleas have invaded.  For the past several days, the cats have been covered.  I kill the fleas in the morning & the cats are mostly clear for the rest of the day.  But come next morning, they're back.

That led to a whole house vacuuming.  It took me outside to spray the yard with pesticide.  I sprayed the inside with a general bug spray & 1 for fleas.  The spray for fleas nearly kills me when I use it.  It chokes me & I can barely breath.  I cough for quite a while after being near it. 

I'm spent & frustrated.  Mornings still aren't good for me.  They probably never will be.  I just hope this does some good or else I exhausted myself for nothing.


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