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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Teenagers & HIV...

This article details how some in New York wish to allow teens confidentiality when it comes to HIV.  They can already be tested for the virus without parental approval or notification.  But they can't usually receive treatment.  Most avenues of treatment would require parental consent, especially for payment. 

The politicians & health workers cite a common sentiment among the poor, "Why get tested if I can't get treatment?"  These people wish to allow the teens to go forward with testing & treatment without parental involvement. 

I get some parents might be horrid & force their children from the home for being HIV+ or gay.  But, to totally remove parental involvement is stripping away parents to a ballistic extent.  Especially if they have to foot the bill.   The people pushing for this new confidentiality aren't only talking about treatment & testing, they're also talking about PrEP.   If a parent is expected to pay for their child, then they should be involved in the process. This would be a very intrusive act on the state's part.  How long before the state decides everything for your child & you just get the bill?

Parents can be intrusive.  But that's sort of their job.  They're not their to be their kids friends or ATM's.  Going through testing is trying enough without support.  This process could rob a child & a parent the chance of being their for each other during this time.  This is a not a place for a blanket statement.   Especially not 1 made by politicians looking for  reelection. 

What rights do parents have left?  They can barely discipline their children with facing legal action.  They can barely choose their children's activities without being accused of endangering their kids or of having free-range children.  Children need rights & they need advocates, but removing parents from the process is not the answer.

I came from a background where my parents removed themselves from my life.  That left me dealing with everything.  Sometimes there were government types involved, but my interest was never their motivations.  Their only drive was their own convenience. Removing parents from such a delicate, complicated & scary process will be disastrous.


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