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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Yet Again...

Another medical center, this time in Colorado, has possibly exposed just shy of 3,000 patients to HIV & hepatitis.  This time a surgical technologist allegedly switched out a new syringe for a used 1.   It's not clear, but it sounds as if drug use may have been a factor.  It could've been to cover the tech's theft or something more sinister like trying to contaminate patients.  

Either way, more patients will have to be put through the process of HIV testing & waiting for their results.  This won't just be a 1 time thing either.  They'll have to have a few test to insure they've not been infected.   

It doesn't matter why this man did this.  He should be shot, for putting people's lives at risk.  Especially when they came for medical help only to have their health threatened.   There is no excuse for this.


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