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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Stress, Bills & The Morning...

This morning was a bit stressful.  I'm still not feeling great & I've had a series of fairly, nasty nosebleeds.  I"m not sure if the bleeds are from the weather, allergies or my new med.  Possibly, all the above.   

We were worried about some potential car issues.  So far, that seems not to have materialized.   Maybe we lucked out on that issue.  That's be nice.

After paying the water bill & driving around to make sure the van was working alright, we ran some errands.  Those weren't all that successful, but oh well.  Then we came home.  

Where my roomie decided to attack the stoop rail with her face, specifically her nose.   Her nose is banged up & she fell scraping her leg up pretty bad.  It'll be worse tomorrow when the swelling sets in.  

Roomie's nose 1, stoop rail - 0.

I'm hoping that's the end of the stressors for today.  I'm not up for much more.  My spoons aren't spent, but it's close.


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