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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

4:30 AM...

As I wrote on my FB today, "Once you're in bed, nothing good ever happens at 4:30 AM."  Pretty much anything that happens besides sleeping or other bed stuff, absolutely sucks.   I'd just woke up from a stress dream & went  to the bathroom.  I go to flush & the lever breaks.  I have to  take the lid off & force it to flush.  Then I have to wake my roomie to tell her about it.  

I barely got any sleep past then.   I remembered this morning, we had a flush lever left in a valve kit from earlier.  I put it in & it's too damn flimsy to work the way the old 1 did.  The old lever didn't use a chain.  The new lever had a chain & I finally rigged it to work with this plunge model thing.   I have no idea how long this last.  If it breaks I'll have to see if I can get another kind of lever or call the plumber.  I'm really going to hate having to call a plumber over a flush lever.

I'm tired, more tomorrow.


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