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Saturday, February 13, 2016


I've been coughing for days from this mess.  This round of sickness has been 1 of the worse I've had in years.  A lot of my symptoms have passed, but the sinus drainage & coughing are still here.  My ribs & body are sore from all the coughing.   This stuff is exhausting & it's being rough on my sleep.  

I guess our Winter is mostly over.  I looked on the 10 day forecast & there wasn't a single day below freezing.  Great, let the mowing begin.  We'll probably be mowing until next December at this rate.  If we're lucky, we might make it through most of March before actually having to mow.

2015 was wet & weird.  It's beginning to look like 2016 will be drier.  Unfortunately, that probably means hotter.  Maybe, it'll finally kill off the bugs & the grass.


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