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Saturday, February 27, 2016


There've been reactions to things I've posted about the last couple of days.  To start with the matter regarding the New Jersey hospital & it's possible exposure of people to HIV & hepatitis.   The hospital has offered to pay for any testing needed, as long as it's done on site.   There lies the problem.  Some people have loss trust in the establishment & aren't comfortable going back to a place that may have exposed them to either virus.   It turns out the hospital had hired someone who had previously lost their pharmacist licence due to opioid theft.  The man's license was later reinstated, but still, he probably should'n't have been allowed to work with other opioids. 

The next reaction was to PrEP failure.  Researchers & activists are struggling to push the idea this is a rare event.  They desperately need the public to believe this is a 1 in a million type thing.   The fact is this is the only case we are aware of where PrEP failed.  There may be more.  There most definitely will be more.  As the use of Truvada spreads & more people feel safe go back into the proverbial water without condoms, the rate of failure is bound to increase.  That fails to mention the  drugs  making up Truvada are among the most apt for HIV to be resistant too at this time.  So, yes there was a failure & yes it may be rare at this moment, but that's likely to change as time passes.

The problem for these medical establishments & drug companies is we don't live in a bubble.  There are tons of factors in every action, many beyond our control.  People will continue to  contract HIV from hospitals until new protocols are established.  PrEP will continue to fail as the number of users increases & the presence of drug resistant HIV grows.

Absolutes are not present in this world.  We can only count on at some point something will fail or change. But even that main not be predictable or to our favor. All this shows us is HIV isn't being taken as seriously as it should be.  And, HIV is too much of cash cow not to be exploited by corporations.   Talk about a sad world.


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