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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

When Will It Start...

I started taking my thyroid medicine not quite 3 weeks ago.  I wonder how long it takes to build up enough to take effect.   I have to get blood drawn in 5 - 6 weeks to test my levels.  I don't know what  to expect out of this med.  That's a bit unnerving.

I know I'm still colder than I should be.  My appetite fluctuates between highly diminished & starving.  My taste are off, but that could be my sinuses.   My liking of some foods, like tomatoes is changing.  As well as my tolerance for some food textures.  Again, all this could have nothing to do with the medication.  

I'm not as anxious, but I'm still having some morning issues with it.  I know that some people do better when on thyroid meds if their levels are off. I'll just have to wait & see.  I'm not expecting miracles here, but it'd be nice not to wake up twitchy & be cold all day.


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