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Monday, February 22, 2016

Celebrity Affect...

This article reports that Charlie Sheen's disclosure of his HIV status did more for HIV education than UN conferences.  In fact, the surge in info searches over HIV after Sheen's revelation was the highest since 2004.   This is the celebrity affect.  Often referred to as the "____" Affect.  Fill in the blank with Sheen, Jolie, Couric, Hudson, Mercury, Johnson, etc....

Sad as it may be, our society has to be led into things by famous people.  When a celebrity endorses, endures, or promotes something, the public listens.  Maybe to varying levels, but it obviously isn't based on the celeb's current star power.  Charlie Sheen was at his height over 5 years ago.  Before this announcement, he was looked at as just another washed-up, Hollywood mess.  Basically, a walking disaster. Post, his big reveal, he may not be back on top, but he's really salable.  

This was great PR for him & he was great PR for HIV education.  Jolie pushed awareness of issues concerning cancer involving breasts & the female reproductive system.  This is nothing new.   Star power can promote health education & research like nothing else, take  Take Danny Thomas & St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

It's a 2 edge sword.  If you get a famous person to promote your cause, then you 'll probably get some intense, if short term, interest & interaction.   If you can't, then what?  What happens when your celebrity endorsement wanes or another celeb pushes the next illness?   The world's fascination with the famous is a dangerous thing.  Especially if your healthcare is influenced by it.

While I'm thankful for the attention HIV is getting due to Mr. Sheen, I know it's fleeting.   I wish, as a people, we could have more self-confidence in our own self worth not to need such things.  I doubt that will ever happen.  


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