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Thursday, March 13, 2014

So Far, So Good...

So far, today has been a fairly descent day.  The rest of my meds are supposed to arrive this afternoon.  It seems for now I have the computer network working, at least mostly.  The laptop is still fighting me on sharing.  That can be worked around though.  It's a nice day weather wise.

There are some articles going around about possibilities of new treatments.  When they seem more with it, I'll post on them.  Another hospital in New York is having to tell people to get tested for HIV & hepatitis.  Apparently they didn't understand the concept of single-use regarding single-use insulin pens.  They reused them & may have spread who knows what.  Seriously, how long is it going to take people to understand how much a part sanitation plays in fighting HIV?

I'm not focusing on much right now.  I'm trying to do my best to do a duck's back impersonation right now.  I'm just trying to let the current stress slide right off me. We'll see how that goes.


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