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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hello March...

I've been too caught up in my own drama to notice February snuck out the door.  So, hello March & goodbye February.   I still haven't fully worked out my medical drama, but I'm working on it.  There aren't many things I want from March, but here it goes.

  1. I want less medical drama
  2. I would like some seasonal weather
  3. We need some rain, but not a flood
  4. Could you please hold off on any tornadoes
  5. I'd like TV not to be 80% reruns
  6. I want to get over this blasted cold/sinus thing
  7. No car drama
I wanted to do 10, but I'm at a loss right now.  Really all I want is less drama, good (better) health & some pleasantries like the little flowers that'll start blooming in the yard any time now.

In less than 10 days will have Daylight Saving Time back & I'll lose an hour of morning light.  I'm not fond of that.  That light helps me wake up in the morning & not feel like groggy mess for the rest of the day.

Until next year, February.  

Welcome March. 


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