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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Not 1 Thing, Then Another...

We're starting to warm up.  We may even be in the 70's this upcoming week.  There's supposed to be some rain, we could use it.

But, I'm trading cold season in for allergies.  We're already hovering in the medium to high zones at come just had to beat Spinal Tap, there's goes to 11.  

It seems my hopes of a less drama filled March are being pushed aside.  The disruption I wrote about yesterday isn't helping that matter.  My pharmacy called yesterday to tell me they needed refill orders so they could fill my order.  Too bad they called on Friday late in the afternoon. I'll have to wait until Monday to call my doctor for the request.  Which means the refill order might get sent off late Monday or Early Tuesday.  They'll probably split my order again.

So goodbye, drama-free March.  I guess that was just too much to ask for.  As for the people & things causing this drama, may something truly horrible, disgusting & humiliating come your way.  Oh well, there's always April.


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