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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Another Tuesday...

We're post St. Patrick's & we've finished off the holiday food.  Not that we made  a lot.  It looks as if we're on the final stretch to Spring.  Yeah!  There are  flowers on the bushes & the dogwoods are beginning to bloom.  For me, the best part is the little blue flowers are back in the yard.  I don't really know what kind they are & doesn't matter.  I see them as the beginning of something new & they always make me smile.  

I know they won't be here long, so I do my best to take them in and welcome the moments they're with us.  Very mono no aware or wabi sabi.  We let a lot go through our lives without realizing the briefness of the moment.  In that instant, we lose the beauty & peace they have to offer.  

You have been given the gift of life.  It is a fragile gift, not one that you can keep forever.  But it is the most precious gift in all the world.  Use it well, little one.  - Elder Petalar 

I know that quote came from the 2011 version of the Thundercats, but it has an immense impact.  We can choose to let things be with us as they can, for as long as they can or we can lose out entirely.    I'm doing my best to embrace the moments.  

Spring is upon us.  New things are rising.  It's time to shed some of the old.  May this be a great Spring.


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