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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Again, Really...

Yet another medical institution is issuing alerts for patients to be tested for HIV after hospital fails to properly sterilize equipment.   This article tells about how somehow California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco has bungled the sterilization procedure on some of its equipment.  

 How does this keep happening?  What's going to happen to the responsible parties?  Are medical institutions ever going to take this matter serious enough to prevent the spread of HIV & other contaminants? 

In the last year I've wrote about at least 3 cases of this happening.  There were others that slipped by me.  I'm sure there were many more that went unreported.  Hell, some probably weren't even noticed.  This is terrifying.  The level of neglect & depraved indifference should be met with serious prison time.  

If a person tests + after this, then they'll have to prove the hospital was the point of origin.    Even then, the best they could do would be to enter litigation over the matter.  Even if they win & are awarded a large sum, it still won't change the fact they're now + & will be for the rest of their life.

Failure to comply with safety & sanitation regulations in regards to healthcare should be treated as a capital offense.   It might not directly kill someone, but it will most certainly end the life they knew.  It will alter everything in their life.   But, I guess the hospital saying it was an accident & that they're sorry is just supposed to cover that.


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