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Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Wednesdays are the days I usually try to take for myself to get things done that I want to do.   How damn selfish of me apparently.  Or at least ridiculous.   It never fails that if something has to happen, it must happen on Wednesday.   Idiotic Windows must update on this day.  My computer & network must f'up on this day.  I must make a trip to my doctor's office to fix a pharmacy screw up on this day.    

I hate it when things screw with my schedule.  I'm very frustrated right now.  A lot of little things that shouldn't have been a problem have decided to be a gigantic pain in the ass on Wednesday, the day I like to take to myself.

I don't need this crap.  Speaking of which, at least today is trash day.  I can think of a lot more I'd like to kick to the curb inf could.  

Enough of me ranting.  I hope everyone else's day is going well.


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