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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Don't Ask...

Yesterday, had some issues that are still ongoing.  We're back to that time of the year when we (the roomie & me) have to refile for our benefits.    This seriously sucks.  These people know exactly how much we make, they're the 1's sending it to us.  Still we have to verify the $ we get in benefits to the people giving the benefits.  This happens every year & the whole process last up to a month.    We have to file our report & then wait to be called back for an interview.   We tried to file today, but their server is down.  So, we wait.

 This is a trying time for us, we don't need anyone adding to the BS pile.  Yet, we have it.    Due to the fallout of an askhole friend of my roomie.   This person is constantly putting crap out there & asking things.  Fishing for a response.  But, be warned, this person is just waiting for a response so they can:

A.  Ignore the advice & go on with their stupidity
B.  Do the opposite
C.  Get mad at you for acknowledging their situation
D.  Get mad at you for agreeing with them

If not 1 of those, these people we'll act as if your attacking them or scream they were just being rhetorical.    If you don't want a response, don't put your crap out there.  People aren't there just to be someone else's perpetual sounding board or yes-man.

Some advice for all those askholes out there, if you don't want us to give a response to the BS you're putting out there, then don't put it out there.  You don't get to hyper express, whine or vent without those around you having a reaction to your mess.  Take your self-involved, drama tantrum somewhere else & stop sucking the life out the situation.

To put it blunt, no 1 has the time to listen to you whine.


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