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Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Energy...

No pic today or article for that matter.  We're in the process of really cleaning the house.  I'm happy with the outcome, not so much with the process.  It hasn't been that hard, it's just been a lot & I mean a lot of everything; moving, dusting, cleaning, sorting, scooting, reshelving, etc...

The problem is, I don't have the endurance I did before HIV.  There are days when I never get rundown.  Then there are others when the simplest things wear me out completely.  The tiredness or fatigue I'm talking about doesn't come on slowly.  One second you're fine, then caput, you're finished.  It's like someone unplugged you or saddled you with a bag of bricks.

It's really annoying.  All you want to do is to finish one simple task, then even it turns out to be too much for you.  All you can do is stop & allow yourself to recover.  It may take a minute, an hour or even the whole day.  When you're +, you have to try & plan for those days.  If you don't konk out, then you have all that extra time. If you do fizzle, then you've allowed yourself time to deal with it.


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