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Thursday, April 19, 2012


I've been reading a lot lately about + people who continue to see themselves as victims or to seek legal ramifications on those that spread HIV to them.  Now, I want to make it perfectly clear, the rest of this post does not deal with people who are + due to matters beyond their control; rape, needle attack or medical issues.  This article is for those people who engaged in risky behaviors; unprotected sex, IV drugs & the like.

I agree, someone who knowingly transmitting the virus is a bastard & deserves to be prosecuted,  However, there still lies some responsibility in most of the people infected.  If  you engage in risky behavior, there is a chance that you will contract HIV, end of statement.  There is no such thing as safe sex, only safer.

Some people will say something like, "My partner of 20 years cheated & now I'm +."  For those people, I am truly sorry, but it just goes to show you that everyone is at risk from HIV.   What difference does it make if you have unprotected sex with someone who is knowingly + & a person who is unknowingly +?  In the end there is no difference.  Yes, the prior could've warned you, but you could've refrained from having unprotected sex.

Unless you were truly taken by surprise or victimized, you are not a victim.  You made a choice & HIV might be the consequence.  While I didn't do IV drugs, I was sexually active.  I even used protection, just goes to show condoms don't always work 100%.  I'm not trying to glorify being +, but I am going to take responsibility for it being due to my own actions.  I may have made some bad choices, but they were mine & on the matter of being HIV +, I am not a victim.  I'd much rather be someone who made some questionable decisions, than a victim.


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