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Saturday, April 28, 2012


Not much of a post today.  My roomie's computer issues are ongoing & we've had to order a new power supply for it.  Best Buy doesn't carry PSU's for slimline computers.  Now, it's a daily thing just to get the computer to run.  It led to another unplanned outing this morning & my schedule is a bit frayed.  The issue will get fixed, but until then this is a bit frustrating.  

I've been wanting to do some yard work for about a week, but it's been very windy & I hate doing yard stuff in the wind.  I already have enough allergy problems.    The yard is on hold.  The housework is staying in gear though.  At least there's that.  All of this computer mess & weather has left me a bit drained.  Hopefully, I'll feel more like getting back on topic tomorrow.


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