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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I'm not leading with an article today.  If you want some, Google HIV & marginalized people, low income people, people of color, gay, drug users, etc...  Repeatedly, I read articles detailing the horrors of being HIV & being one or more these categories.  Wow!  That's totally not a shocker.  These people already face struggles & issues on a daily basis that mainstream people don't even register.  When you add HIV to the mix, it just adds 1 more straw on a camel whose back is already broken.

A lot of society acts as if it doesn't matter if those kinds of people catch a communicable disease.  They probably got it for doing something they shouldn't have been doing in the first place.   It's easy to judge people.  Just remember, leaving these illnesses untreated doesn't just mean marginalized people die.  It also means the diseases get to spread further & possibly mutate.  Like it or not, everyone will have contact with these "marginalized" people.  Unlike HIV, many of these illnesses spread fairly easily. 

I want to leave you with a thought.  Remember the text books you had in school.  Remember how nice it was to get one that had been some smart kid's the year before.  If you were lucky the teacher hadn't erased all that kid's notes & you had some pointers.  Guess where those little tidbits were?  In the margins.  Just because, the margins aren't used the same way as the main bulk of the matter, doesn't mean important things can't come out of them.


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