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Sunday, April 29, 2012


No, I'm not talking about intestinal distress.  I'm talking about all the articles that I come across talking about the disparity between different areas when it comes to HIV treatment.  There are differences in how some  areas even acknowledge HIV.

A lot of sites talk about how 3rd world countries or marginalized people in 1st world nations are not getting access to the same treatment & info as their mainstream brethren.   All I have to say to that, DUH!  I am white, male & live in the USA.  I still do not have access to a lot of the developing meds & resources that others in the USA do.  Why, because I live in fairly rural Oklahoma.

I've talked about this before.  HIV, is like real estate, location, location, location...  If you're in a more metro area, there might be more competition for resources, but at least the resources are there.  Until, telemedicine came to my area, I was having to drive 2 hours up to my specialist & 2 hours back.  I was having to do this up to 4 times a year.  

Now,  I have telemedicine, but I still don't have access to a lot of other resources for HIV.  There is no housing for PWA or HIV here.  There is no RAIN or other support groups.  There's nothing here for me except for disability & while that helps greatly, it leaves a lot of holes to fill.

I'm not saying it's fair that there are these disparities, but they are there.  I doubt they'll ever be dealt with completely.  Call me selfish, but I'm more worried about me & mine, than those in another country.  Some Americans keep trying to raise awareness for the plight of people with HIV in other lands.  What about the plight of the people in their own country?  Not everyone can get on medicaid/medicare.  Not every one can get meds via HDAP/ADAP.  Before you blow your horn about the horrors in other places, why not try looking closer to home & helping out here.


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