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Monday, April 30, 2012

No Kid Testing...

This article talks about the fact that children are mostly left out of medical trials.  This isn't that surprising.  Until recently most medical research was done on adult men.  They wouldn't even consider testing on a woman who might someday have a child.

The research talks about a host of illnesses where children make up 60+% of the victims, but constitute  less than 15% of the research samples.    This is not only stupid, it's very dangerous.  In the last decade or so, there have been several OTC children's meds recalled.   Some of the pain killers were far too potent & were killing kids.  While others, like some cold formulas, were useless.  If you know your medication will be used on a certain population, then it should be tested on that group of people.

Funny, if adult male medical research fails to always apply to adult women & has an even lower success rate with children, then why do we consider something like animal testing a good idea?   A little boy is basically genetically the same as an adult male, but medical research done on the adult is spotty for the child at best.  Given that, there's a lot more difference between a monkey & a child.  Just saying....


Sunday, April 29, 2012


No, I'm not talking about intestinal distress.  I'm talking about all the articles that I come across talking about the disparity between different areas when it comes to HIV treatment.  There are differences in how some  areas even acknowledge HIV.

A lot of sites talk about how 3rd world countries or marginalized people in 1st world nations are not getting access to the same treatment & info as their mainstream brethren.   All I have to say to that, DUH!  I am white, male & live in the USA.  I still do not have access to a lot of the developing meds & resources that others in the USA do.  Why, because I live in fairly rural Oklahoma.

I've talked about this before.  HIV, is like real estate, location, location, location...  If you're in a more metro area, there might be more competition for resources, but at least the resources are there.  Until, telemedicine came to my area, I was having to drive 2 hours up to my specialist & 2 hours back.  I was having to do this up to 4 times a year.  

Now,  I have telemedicine, but I still don't have access to a lot of other resources for HIV.  There is no housing for PWA or HIV here.  There is no RAIN or other support groups.  There's nothing here for me except for disability & while that helps greatly, it leaves a lot of holes to fill.

I'm not saying it's fair that there are these disparities, but they are there.  I doubt they'll ever be dealt with completely.  Call me selfish, but I'm more worried about me & mine, than those in another country.  Some Americans keep trying to raise awareness for the plight of people with HIV in other lands.  What about the plight of the people in their own country?  Not everyone can get on medicaid/medicare.  Not every one can get meds via HDAP/ADAP.  Before you blow your horn about the horrors in other places, why not try looking closer to home & helping out here.


Saturday, April 28, 2012


Not much of a post today.  My roomie's computer issues are ongoing & we've had to order a new power supply for it.  Best Buy doesn't carry PSU's for slimline computers.  Now, it's a daily thing just to get the computer to run.  It led to another unplanned outing this morning & my schedule is a bit frayed.  The issue will get fixed, but until then this is a bit frustrating.  

I've been wanting to do some yard work for about a week, but it's been very windy & I hate doing yard stuff in the wind.  I already have enough allergy problems.    The yard is on hold.  The housework is staying in gear though.  At least there's that.  All of this computer mess & weather has left me a bit drained.  Hopefully, I'll feel more like getting back on topic tomorrow.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Mutation & $...

This article may be about Africa, but the point is universal.  It's another example of how HIV is tied to the economy.   Many Africans have been treated & saved via HIV meds.  However, for some the meds never came or never came regularly enough to maintain a regimen.  This combined with having sex, willingly & not, have re-exposed some people to HIV, exposed them to different strains of HIV or even exposed them to HIV that had been under medical care.  All of these things will lead to one thing, a strain of HIV that is somewhat, possibly entirely,  resistant to current medications.

As the economy has worsened, the funding to these programs was slashed.  People have lost access to their meds.  Others have been exposed.  Mutations have occurred.  This isn't just due to the virulent nature of HIV or actions taken that can transmit HIV.  It is also due to the lack of $.

This isn't an African issue.  This is happening throughout the world.  It's very possible without proper funding, the fight against HIV could slide backwards.  Many formally prosperous countries are now facing a medical crisis while trying to recover from this economic upheaval.  Africa may be the most visible case, but it could be just the beginning of the issue.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Computer Blues...

Posting has been preempted by computer issues.  Well, computer issues for my roomie.  Had to make a quick trip to get it looked at.  Turned out, it wasn't so bad.  At least, not for now. Hopefully, the thing will keep running.  It's caused enough aggravation over the last couple of days.  I'll post more tomorrow.


PS.  Enjoy the video

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This article talks about breaking research from Spain.  Scientists have located the molecule in HIV that allows it to reproduce itself.   This is amazing.  It means entirely new approaches to medications & therapies can be developed.  It may even mean that this is a step closer to being able to produce a vaccination for HIV.  This isn't a long article, the info is new.   Google it to stay on top of the matter. I find it really awesome that so many people are approaching the issue of HIV from so many different vantage points.  Hopefully, they'll lead to a point where HIV is no longer a threat.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I'm not leading with an article today.  If you want some, Google HIV & marginalized people, low income people, people of color, gay, drug users, etc...  Repeatedly, I read articles detailing the horrors of being HIV & being one or more these categories.  Wow!  That's totally not a shocker.  These people already face struggles & issues on a daily basis that mainstream people don't even register.  When you add HIV to the mix, it just adds 1 more straw on a camel whose back is already broken.

A lot of society acts as if it doesn't matter if those kinds of people catch a communicable disease.  They probably got it for doing something they shouldn't have been doing in the first place.   It's easy to judge people.  Just remember, leaving these illnesses untreated doesn't just mean marginalized people die.  It also means the diseases get to spread further & possibly mutate.  Like it or not, everyone will have contact with these "marginalized" people.  Unlike HIV, many of these illnesses spread fairly easily. 

I want to leave you with a thought.  Remember the text books you had in school.  Remember how nice it was to get one that had been some smart kid's the year before.  If you were lucky the teacher hadn't erased all that kid's notes & you had some pointers.  Guess where those little tidbits were?  In the margins.  Just because, the margins aren't used the same way as the main bulk of the matter, doesn't mean important things can't come out of them.


Monday, April 23, 2012


I've circled back to the front room & my room on the cleaning cycle.   I wasn't surprised it was going quicker than the last time, but I'd fooled myself into believing that it'd be less messy than it was.  It's been less than 2 weeks sense I'd dusted the shelves & TV.  I expected some dust & cat fur, but no the amount I found.  I guess I know the benchmark of the house now.  Whatever that may be, it was far easier dusting this time than it was the 1st time & I got to see a lot of things I'd missed the 1st pass through.

What does this have to do with HIV?  By keeping the house clean, I'm improving my environment.  I'm removing dust, dander, allergens & a host of who knows what else.   I'm making my house easier on me.  I can breathe easier.  There are less irritants to bother my eyes or make me sneeze.  My computers & fans will run better, which are both things I need.

Maintenance is a 4-letter word for many of us.  We like to do something & that be it, but that's not how most things work.  We have to keep up to date in our jobs.  We have to take the cars in for oils changes.  We have to replace air filters in our homes.  The same goes for our health.  We need a decent diet, some exercise & good sleep.  When it comes to HIV, we need to follow our regimens, see our doctors & keep up with labs.  Here's to maintaining.


Sunday, April 22, 2012


This article talks about the Neem Tree of India & it's potential as an agent in the fight against HIV.  My roomie & I hold the belief, for everything in this world. there is something to balance, inhibit or combat it.   My post won't be long, because the research is young.  But the extracts from this tree are attacking the HIV protease & preventing it from replicating copies of itself.  Just goes to show, that for every forest or other natural area we destroy, we are also destroying medical miracles.  


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tat Danger...

This Australian article talks about the dangers of backyard tattooists.  These are people who perform tattoos in a non-professional & questionable sanitary levels.  Oh boy, look someone else is griping against tattoos.  No, not really, if you want a tat, get a tat, just get it from someone who isn't going to give you HIV, HepC, TB or who knows what else.

Many of these artist are reusing needles & failing to sterilize their equipment.  Every person's blood that needle has tattooed is now on that needle & can transmit whatever illnesses those people may have had.  Unsafe tattooing practices are just as dangerous as unprotected sex.

To save a bit of $, these people are willing to use tattoo artists who don't follow safety protocols.  That meager savings could leave them with a life threatening virus or a severely infected tattoo.  Won't that be pretty? Snark.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Staying Positive...

I read a lot of articles over HIV.  2 things always come to mind.  1st, these articles drive home how universal  & global this epidemic is.  2nd, no matter how many astounding articles I read over advancements, discoveries & triumphs involving HIV & those people living it, there are always those articles by jack-asses spreading misery.

I don't always talk about the global articles I read.  I try to keep it more local.  Though, sometimes the global articles are very relevant.   I do my best to steer clear of the political & smear articles.  They solve nothing & only add to the negativity already present in this world.  I don't need to add to it as well.  

I'm normally not all that Norman-Vincent-Pealeish, but I do believe your attitude effects your life & your health.  I do my best to stay away from the cites I know are just going to upset, frustrate or anger me.  I avoid conservative/religious crap like the plague.  I don't think those people believe half of what they say, they just like to rile people.  They do what they do for ratings, outrage & to cover up their own issues.

Here are some bits of advice I have on the matter....

  • George Bernard Shaw said, "Never wrestle with a pig... you get dirty & the pig likes it."
  • Robert Heinlein said, "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time & annoys the pig."
  • Most of all try to keep positive, it can only help you & bewilder those who would bring you down.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I've been reading a lot lately about + people who continue to see themselves as victims or to seek legal ramifications on those that spread HIV to them.  Now, I want to make it perfectly clear, the rest of this post does not deal with people who are + due to matters beyond their control; rape, needle attack or medical issues.  This article is for those people who engaged in risky behaviors; unprotected sex, IV drugs & the like.

I agree, someone who knowingly transmitting the virus is a bastard & deserves to be prosecuted,  However, there still lies some responsibility in most of the people infected.  If  you engage in risky behavior, there is a chance that you will contract HIV, end of statement.  There is no such thing as safe sex, only safer.

Some people will say something like, "My partner of 20 years cheated & now I'm +."  For those people, I am truly sorry, but it just goes to show you that everyone is at risk from HIV.   What difference does it make if you have unprotected sex with someone who is knowingly + & a person who is unknowingly +?  In the end there is no difference.  Yes, the prior could've warned you, but you could've refrained from having unprotected sex.

Unless you were truly taken by surprise or victimized, you are not a victim.  You made a choice & HIV might be the consequence.  While I didn't do IV drugs, I was sexually active.  I even used protection, just goes to show condoms don't always work 100%.  I'm not trying to glorify being +, but I am going to take responsibility for it being due to my own actions.  I may have made some bad choices, but they were mine & on the matter of being HIV +, I am not a victim.  I'd much rather be someone who made some questionable decisions, than a victim.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One A Day...

This article discusses something I'd figure was common sense.   Only having to take 1 pill a day increases a person's likelihood of following a medical regimen.   Not trying to be too sarcastic, but well, Duh!  Taking 1 pill a day would be a delight, especially if it didn't matter when you took it or if you had eaten or not.  When I started taking my meds I was on Fortovase.    I had to take 18 of those horse pills a day broken into 3 increments & it had to after I had eaten something.  That didn't mention my other meds, some of which had to be taken on an empty stomach, at least an hour before eating anything.  So, yes, simplicity is a good thing.

Besides regimen adherence, the study also found other aspects of these patients' lives were better than those on multiple  pill regimens.  They had better blood work, were less likely to develop complications & were less likely to be hospitalized.  The numbers are pleasing.  Maybe my regimen can be like this some day.  Right now, I take 8 pills a day specifically for HIV, plus several supplements/vitamins.  Hey, it's better than it used to be.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Not much of a post today.  I'm a little distracted.  One of our outdoor cats had to be taken to the vet today.  He has a pretty bad wound on his head.  The vet won't be able to tell me anything until later.  There is a possibility he may have to be put down.  Unless, the vet can treat him with an affordable shot, I won't be able to do anything else.  I can't afford it & he isn't the type of cat that's going to take to be given meds easily.  Not to mention, he doesn't show up consistently enough to try & medicate.  For now, I wait & see.


PS  -  Vet just called,  the cat has an abscess & he can be cleaned up.  He won't be happy when he wakes up though.  He's losing some parts.  The little indoor girl kitties will be happy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Set Of Small Steps...

My roomie & I recently finished our 1st mega-Spring cleaning of the house.  Since then, we have begun to cycle back through it.  There were things that needed to be done in the house since we've moved in.  We either didn't feel well enough or felt overwhelmed by the prospect.  So, it never got done.

Finally, we agreed to allow ourselves a short bit of time everyday that we would allot to cleaning one thing or small area.  We mostly stuck with our plan, but some parts required more time.  Slowly we finished & it was probably the only way it was going to get done by us.  

Now, we're on the next cycle through the house, cleaning what we just cleaned.  We're finding two things.  Some things were no where near as clean as we thought that we'd gotten them the 1st time around.  In addition, we're also noting that what took us 10 minutes last time is taking just a couple this round.  We knocked out the first hard part & now we're on to maintenance.  This is how a habitual cleaning starts.

How does this relate to health or HIV?  When you're +, you often find yourself frustrated, tired & overwhelmed.  This approach is the way I've had to handle a lot things in my life.  I can either set back & let everything overwhelm me & do nothing.  Or, I can tackle a small part everyday as I can & muddle through it.  Some days I can't do even that & that's frustrating, but it's OK.  I'll do what I can as I can. This isn't a race.  This is about the proverbial one step at a time.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Short Post Baby Steps...

The post is going to be short today.  It's storming here in Oklahoma & the electricity has flickered once already.   So a short post it is.  

This one is about me & some baby steps I'm taking.  I've mentioned I've been watching my blood pressure for a bit.  I've decided there are some things I can do in my life before resorting to more meds.   I've been slowly changing my diet & adding some physical activity into my life, I refuse to call it by the "E" word.(Exercise)  Weirdly enough, I have this blog to thank somewhat for my choice to engage in this undertaking.

This blog reminded me that I'm a Virgo, dammit.  If I choose to embrace something in my life & not have it forced on me I can get used to just about any regimen.  I have blogged continuously for over 15 months now.  I can make a habit out of any thing, not that that's always such a good thing.

As important as it is for me to choose the new addition(s) in my life, they have to relatively unnoticeable at first.  The diet aspect about this has focused more positive rewards (introducing something good), instead of negative sanctions, (removing something).  I've cut back on the amount of junk food, but not removed it from my diet.  Instead, I have focused on eating much more fruit than I was.  Also, I have tried to make sure that I have a fairly plain, side salad with low cal dressing or vinegar & oil several times a week.  I have been more consistent with my vinegar lately.  Apple Cider Vinegar can work wonders for you, Google it.

Onto the activity part.  In February, I decided I can handle adding 5 minutes of movement to my daily roster.   Everyday, I got up & did a mix of little-kid wiggles, toe-touching, squats, walking in place & any thing else I could do in 5 minutes.  Even that was cause to be sore for the first couple of days, but I kept at it.  In March I added 5 - 8 minutes in the midday.  I'm doing mostly leg lifts, crunches & incline push-ups there.  In April, I added 5 minutes in the late afternoon, this is mostly floor work with reverse leg lifts & leg pumps.  In May I will added another 5 minutes across the board & so on in June, until I am up to 30 minutes a day of physical activity not already part of my daily routine.

I know, 5 minutes a day, woohoo, stop the presses.  I'm really good at the sarcasm & my favorite exercise is the eye-roll.  But I had to start somewhere & I knew if I started with too much, I'd quit in a heartbeat.  Now this physicality is becoming part of my routine.  Hopefully in a few months, it'll pay off.  I'll lose some weight & lower my blood pressure.  Here's to baby steps.  I guess this wasn't such a short post after all.


Saturday, April 14, 2012


No pic today, just an article.  This one addresses the connection between the collapse of the fishing industry & HIV.  It talks about how the failure of this business due to over fishing is causing horrid conditions.  

As this business falters there is less meat for the families to consume & many of their families are suffering from the lack protein.  The lack of these jobs is forcing males to go further & further from home.  This brings about new dangers & the possibility they may never return.  Women, who account for over 50% of the fishing industry, have been left with little other choice but to trade sex for food.  HIV rates in some of these fishing villages range from 30 - 70%.

HIV is tied to the economy.  It's spreading as prostitution booms, due to a lack of other jobs.  It's not being treated like it should be because of a lack of funding.  As other industries & economies falter HIV  rates will most likely continue to grow.  


Friday, April 13, 2012


This article talks about using stem cells to fight HIV.  The article goes into much more detail.  The matter is simple.  Instead of adding drugs that can harm the body or taking things out of it, this approach is based on strengthening the person & their immunity.

At one point this may have been seen as a novel approach to medicine.   However, I think it's the way of the future.  With all the issues pharmaceuticals have brought us, it seems the next phase of medical treatment may very well depend  more on increasing the body's own ability to defend & heal itself.

I understand that this may be a ways off, but there has to be better ways to provide healthcare  than just drug therapies alone.  Especially when some meds can produce extreme conditions like toxicity, addiction or even death.  Say what you want about stem cells, but I'm all for them.


Thursday, April 12, 2012


This article & this one  talk about the problem of meth in the LGBT community.  Since the 90's, this drug has prevalent in the gay scene.  One of the studies covered in the articles states that if someone from these groups had used meth in the past year, then they were 4 times more apt to contract HIV.

This is an enormous problem.  This drug can heighten one's sexual arousal & impair one's judgement regarding risky behavior.  This isn't something that went away with the old millenia, in fact it's gotten worse in some regional areas, like south Florida.  There is no good reason to get involved with meth.  Meth can kill you on it's own & it can lead you into host of other issues, like HIV & other STD's.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This article details some of the guideline updates for HIV treatment.  It may that this isn't that big of a deal.  Maybe, in some ways it isn't.  However, to me it says a lot.  

  • Research is moving forward  
  • Doctors are pushing for better regimens
  • New drugs & therapies are being developed
  • Information is being reviewed & evaluated

This isn't a long post, but just knowing this is going on has to provide some comfort to those living with HIV/AIDS.    None of this current research may lead to a cure, but without today's efforts a cure will never be found.  Even if this is just the ground work, it's still a step.  There are 1,000 quotes I could use about steps & journeys, but I think you get the point.  Without today's efforts, there'd be no outcomes tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Not much of a post today.  After all the cleaning, I'm a bit worn out.  The idea pool is dried up a bit & nothing seems to be catching my interest in the news world today.  Today has been a bit tiresome.  After all the moves forward, the car picks today not to start.  It's stressful.  You don't know what's wrong with it or what's causing it.  That means you don't know how much it'll cost.  

I'll try to figure out what's up with the car today.  Hopefully it won't cost us a lot.   Hope your day is going well.


Monday, April 9, 2012


Coming from a Sociology background, I have hellish stats hours under my belt.  The first thing I'll tell you is that stats are never the definitive answer, they're an estimate.  Even when a complete census is attempted there are always those who are left out or provide inaccurate data.  I'll also tell you that stats can be made to say anything.  

Given that, you should be aware of the health statistics in your given area.  While I'm talking about HIV, I'm also talking about HepC, Lyme, parasites & other health issues you local health officials keep track of statistically.

The map above was made in 2008, so the numbers have most likely risen in all areas depicted.  Go online & Google HIV rates for your state.  You might be surprised.  Look for the break down by county & the surprise might grow.  It did for me.  Excluding the one metro county I've lived while residing in Oklahoma, the county I live in now has the highest rate of HIV of any of the other places I've resided in to date.

Other than Tulsa county, this podunk county has the highest HIV/AIDS rates of the places I've lived.  It figures.  I shouldn't be surprised, but it's a little shocking.  Go ahead, check out you area.  See what the numbers are for your county.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ignorance Is Not Bliss...

This article & many others released in recent times discuss how Sex Ed is on the decline.  You can read the article or Google for others & get the gist of the message.  The point is that some people got this insane idea that teaching abstinence only was the key.   It's resulted in a much higher teenage pregnancy rate & a generation that has little real understanding sex & it's consequences.

In a time when HIV & other STD's are prevalent, we have allowed some people's prudery to endanger young people & burden them with unwanted pregnancies.  IMO, sex ed should start as early as possible & grow with the child in order to help protect them from predators, STD's & pregnancy.  This isn't a private family thing, this is a national health matter.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Taking Stock & Clearing House...

I've been talking a lot about cleaning.  I've hauled out a jungle's worth of dust bunnies.  The physical cleaning is important to our well-being & mental state.   However, cleaning can go beyond that.  A clearing is sometimes also needed.

A lot of us hold on to things that no longer fit or work in our lives.  We tell ourselves we can use it whenever so & so happens.  It's not really that bad off, it can be fixed.  But, I've had it forever.  Those aren't reasons to keep things in your life.  If you were going to use it, you would've already.  If it could've been fixed so easily then why isn't already?  Just because something's been with you forever, doesn't mean anything more than you're used to it.

Letting go can be the hardest thing you can do, but it can also be the most rewarding.  The problem here isn't just the habitual holding onto things that no longer work in our lives, but also holding onto ideas, pains & bad relationships.   I was the person that wouldn't quit a bad job.  I'd stay until they fired me.  I didn't want to just give up.  I was trying to express my maturity by staying, but I wasn't.  I was just making myself miserable.

There are people, memories & concepts in our lives that only bring us harm & unhappiness.  They need to go.  If something or someone in your life brings more negatives than positives, then they shouldn't be in your life.  You have better things to spend your resources on.  You're better than that.  Let it go.


Friday, April 6, 2012

The Scarlet + ...

This article by Jeannie Wraight deals with the HIV perceptions, realities & stigma.  It's a good article.  However, I'm not sure it tells the whole story.  I'm not disputing her statements at all, I'm just expanding them.  

I live in small town Oklahoma & being + here is different than being + in some large metro area.  The resources, or lack thereof, are different.  The approaches to every aspect of HIV & it's treatment are different.  The level stigma in smaller, rural areas is usually going to be higher with all the gossip-mongers, do-gooders & holy-rollers & the like.

No more people in my area know I'm + than those that have cause to know.  I'm quite certain if I wasn't on disability, I wouldn't be able to support myself or tend to my medical needs.  I don't care how many niceties that were said to my face, I'm sure no one would hire me & damn sure no insurer would cover me.  It's hard enough to find a doctor or a dentist in these parts, let alone an employer that's going to look past my HIV status.  That doesn't even come close to dealing with the landlord situation.

What about discrimination laws, you ask?  First of all, did I mention I live in Oklahoma?  The legal system here on these matters leaves much to be desired.  Next, proving discrimination as reason that employment, benefits or residency were denied is damned near impossible. Stigma is still very present on these matters in areas like mine.  Between the ignorant, good-ole-boys & sanctimonious I'd be in cross-hairs 24/7.  Just because you want stigma, prejudice & discrimination to go away, doesn't mean it will.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


This article deals with  the same-old-same-old HIV issues running rampant in the Southern USA.  With the HIV transmission rate in the most the country leveling out, the South's rates are escalating.  The causes are simple.

  • Misconception on the spread of HIV
  • Misconception of who gets HIV
  • Stigma attached to HIV/STD's
  • Stigma attached to even thinking you have an STD
  • Risky sexual behavior
  • Refusal to be tested
This actually pisses me off.  The info has been there since the 1980's.   Some people still think as long as they don't do IV drugs & aren't a gay man, they can have all the unprotected sex they want & never have to worry about it.  BS!  This is the reason the rates in the South are on the rise.

Then there is this idea that they can cat around with every person in sight as long as they aren't a drug user or a gay man & it's OK.  However, just the thought they might have HIV or an STD is a source of stigma.  What's up with that?

I'm getting judgey, but this isn't news, HIV is decades old & the info is out there.  There are a ton of reasons   to explain away this risky behavior, but it doesn't matter.  No amount of reasoning will stop HIV.  No justifying will protect you from transmission.  The means to HIV prevention are pretty straight forward & delusional thinking, fairy tales & stubborn ignorance aren't on the list.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unsure About OraSure...

This article is about OraSure's at-home, quick result HIV test.  The details are in the article & will soon before the FDA for approval.  I'm torn on this.  I'm not talking about the ability of the test to work or even it's ability to work correctly.  I'm talking about the psychology of the matter.

Most people probably want anonymous testing.  I completely get that.  But tell me, what happens when this person is setting at home, alone & they find out they're +.  Alone, as in no one there to support them, no counseling, no guidance, no assurance.  

How many of these people will go into complete denial mode, destroy the test & act as if nothing ever happened?  How many of them will freak & go into, "Better-To-Burn-Out" mode & party themselves into oblivion?    How many will feel utterly overwhelmed & just kill themselves?

While I see the attraction to the easy at home test.  It could ensure more people get tested.  But, it could destroy a lot people as well.  & no, a phone # on the box to call for counseling does not suffice.  I get it, it'a move forward in testing.  I'm just not sure it will be worth the havoc it could bring.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Letting Go & Moving On...

My roomie has a blog & in this entry she talks about inner drives; will, preservation, creation & destruction.  I've talked about letting go in this blog before.  I am trying to take hold of the backpack philosophy from the novel & movie Up In The Air.  

Lately we've been really cleaning the house & letting go of a lot of crap.  Junk I wasn't even aware was still there.  For the last 2 weeks our pile for the garbage men has been huge.   The point is that all this crap was in my life, taking up space & serving no purpose except to clutter up my home.  

This stuff was robbing me of space.  It was collecting dust full of allergens.  It was allowing vermin (fleas mostly) to hide from me.  The piles of stuff were crowding my life & stressing me out. The process has been a bit of a pain, especially to my sinuses, but it'll be worth it.  The place is already looking & feeling better & we're only about 2/3 of the way done.

Again, I ask, what can you let go of?  What's in your life just taking up space & giving nothing back?  Letting go of these things is a rather glorious process.  It literally feels like you're lightening your load.  Give it a try.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Risky Behavior...

This article is about "Know Your Status", a student organization at Duke.   Their goal is to provide free testing to insure people are aware of their HIV status.  Their findings have been unsettling.   Over the past 3 years, in a subset of 1,000 students, 55.4 of them exhibited risky behavior; unprotected sex, needle usage, multiple partners, etc..

The big blow here is that over 90% of those tested felt their risks were low to non-existent.   Fortunately, Duke's population has a low HIV infection rate & the organization has only diagnosed 1 person as +.  What happens when these people move into areas with higher infection rates?

The "It won't happen to me," attitude still prevails.  People feel invincible, right up until they're not.  Then it's too late.  Kudos to "Know Your Status" & hopefully people will be a little more aware.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Energy...

No pic today or article for that matter.  We're in the process of really cleaning the house.  I'm happy with the outcome, not so much with the process.  It hasn't been that hard, it's just been a lot & I mean a lot of everything; moving, dusting, cleaning, sorting, scooting, reshelving, etc...

The problem is, I don't have the endurance I did before HIV.  There are days when I never get rundown.  Then there are others when the simplest things wear me out completely.  The tiredness or fatigue I'm talking about doesn't come on slowly.  One second you're fine, then caput, you're finished.  It's like someone unplugged you or saddled you with a bag of bricks.

It's really annoying.  All you want to do is to finish one simple task, then even it turns out to be too much for you.  All you can do is stop & allow yourself to recover.  It may take a minute, an hour or even the whole day.  When you're +, you have to try & plan for those days.  If you don't konk out, then you have all that extra time. If you do fizzle, then you've allowed yourself time to deal with it.
