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Friday, October 7, 2011

Warm Day...

Today's a bit warmer than it has been.  It might actually hit 90 F.  I'd like to stretch Fall out for as long as possible.  Had a bit of a rude start this morning.  The neighborhood has become over run with dogs.  Not necessarily wild dogs, but still unattended.  

I hate people who get animals they can't or won't take care of properly.  Dogs need space & in town, they need restraint, like a fenced-in yard.  Lately these mongrels have been roaming & causing a fuss.  They like the trash & have caused several people to have to slam on their brakes to avoid running the dogs down.  

This morning I heard a scuffle on my porch & there were two bull-mixes with a mix-breed puppy.  They were rutting about the porch looking for who knows what.  I went out, broom in hand, & scared them off the porch.  I don't like calling animal control, but these dogs has overstayed their welcome.  Since the dogs have arrived it's been an all-night bark-fest.  The trash is scattered & the neighborhood cats are pissed.  These dogs don't mouse, so the cats win out on that matter.

If you are going to have an animal, it is your responsibility.  No arguments, no debates.  Take care of it.


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