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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Up & Down...

We're in that time of year when the temperature is fickle & wants to roller coaster up & down the thermometer.  The mostly-outdoor cat temporarily became the mostly indoor-cat, but in the last few days has returned to her old ways.  The temperature isn't that high, just in the 80's F, but the humidity isn't pleasant at all.

Fall is a time of juxtaposition.  There are cool nights & warm days.  The length of day & night is swapping places.  The dark creeps in darker than the day is bright.  Green leaves hold on as others fade into ambers & reds.  Fall separates the hottest from the coldest.  

This is a season for wrapping things up.  Time to pull in the harvest.  Time to prepare everything for Winter.  Time to take stock of the years gains & losses.  To be thankful for what you have.  

Fall is the practical season.  You start to embrace those things that comfort you & get you through the season ahead.  This is the season of slowing down, cooking things that warm the house.  It's a time to start really making the house a home again.  Gone are the pretty, frilly things of Spring.  The parties & lightness of Summer are packed away.  Now, it's Autumn.  

Prepare, Stock-up, Prepare, Bundle, Prepare, Harvest, Prepare.... Those are the words for Fall.  This is not the season of the grasshopper.  This is the time to realize that the amber leaves & violet twilights of the season will soon fade into a grey, minimalist landscape.  One that is cold, barren & sleeping.

Fall is a good time.  I hope you are enjoying the season.  Because to steal a quote from the book series, my roomie is reading, "Winter is Coming."


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