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Friday, October 28, 2011


A few days ago, I past the 300 post mark.  Wow.  I know some of them have been brief & others may not have seemed as pertinent, but they were still posts.  For 300+ straight days  I have managed to post something to this blog.  I am very pleased with myself for that.

There are a lot of things that I go back to like the weather, $, cats, being thankful, television, my roomie, etc...   However, these things are part of my life & all parts of my life affect my health & well-being.  It isn't possible for to me to consider my health without addressing the weather.  My roomie, cats & $ affect my day to day life.  Television & the internet are some of my only sources of escape.  So yes, all these things, while not + related, do affect me & my health.

Still, 300+ posts, woohoo for me.


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