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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I've been reading some comics lately.  Mainly because a comic is about as lengthy as I can handle these days.  I used to be an avid reader.  I had several novels going at one time & countless articles or textbooks to be read.  Nowadays, I just can't focus on reading at all.  After a bit, my mind wonders & my eyes feel strained.  I hate that.  Reading used to be one of my biggest escapes, now I find it a taxing endeavor.

It started when I was first getting ill.  I could barely stay awake, let alone read.  My mind refused to focus on anything.  I didn't want to eat or do anything.  I laid there mostly sleeping & usually cold.  I could barely get through a sit-com, let alone a novel.

A lot of things have gotten closer to the norm of what they used to be before I was +, but not this one.  This illness has killed my metabolism, my hair & my ability to stay on track.  I was always prone to tangents, but this is ridiculous.  

I have stacks of books that I got while I was still reading.  Most of them are well over ten years old now.  I look at them & feel a bit wasteful.  Maybe one day, I'll be able to read them.  


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