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Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday The 21st....

Friday the 21st, bwahahaha.    Hmmmm...   Just doesn't have the impact of Friday the 13th, does it?  Oh well, it hasn't been that thrilling of a day so far anyway.  It's been a nice enough day, but not a thrilling one.  I suppose, I am actually happy it isn't a thrilling day, that could prove to be taxing.

Today was a shopping day & that is done.  The mail has been picked up & the groceries put away.  That leaves a few household things to do & meals to prepare.  Food today was a no-brainer.  I had things set aside to get dealt with today, left-overs & things nearing their expiration date.  I like days like that, when I don't have to think about what to fix for dinner,  the decisions already been made.

It's starting to warm up a little & have things to catch up on, so I'll end for now.


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