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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Seasonal Cleaning...

We received a letter for my roomie's gran today.  It was a reminder to service the gas heaters.  The first thing I thought, "Was great, there's another expense."  I was sure they probably needed cleaning. So, I went to Youtube & look at any video I could find about cleaning ventless gas heaters.  It seemed easy enough. 

  1. Make sure everything is turned off
  2. Find the screws holding the facing on the heater
  3. Remove the screws & the facing/grill
  4. Using a small brush & a cool hair dryer remove the dust
  5. Wipe the open areas
  6. Remount the face & refasten the screws
  7. Test the heater
Viola.  Easy enough.  Hah!  No screw in any wall heater ever wants to come out or go back in without major drama.  With the constant temperature change these heaters go through, the thin metal casing does a subtle warping.  Hardly noticeable when attached.  Stands out like a elephant when you try to refit the facing.

It's done, cussing & all.   It needed to be done.  I think there was at least one cat's worth of fur & numerous bunnies worth of dust in the heater.  That fails to mention all the other debris that had somehow gotten through the vents.  I am amazed the thing didn't burst into flames.

Well, it's done.  Here's hoping I don't gas us all to death,


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