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Friday, September 15, 2023

The Why's Of It All...


A lot of people, including myself occasionally, ask the perpetual question, "Why?".  Why am I here? Why did that happen to me?  What's the why of any of these things in my life?   The 1st hard pill is that a lot of what happens in our life are due to consequences of our own decisions.   Mind you, I said a lot, not all.  I'll also say our decision making process was shaped by those around us, who may not have been so great at the concept.

I'm not trying to let us off the hook for everything.  There's a lot of stuff we should know by a certain age.  It just may not be what everyone else knows.  Especially not those few who actually had good parents.  The rest of us are trying to cope with generations of bad decisions bearing on our worlds.

Back to the why's.  Why are we here?  That's generally due to the sloppy, selfishness of previous generations. Your parent's couldn't use birth control or decided they just had to have a baby. (Never a good idea)  You had no part in why you're here.  So there is no good reason for it & searching for that purpose will probably just drive you insane.

Now on to crap happens.  It does & it happens to everybody.  It's just some people due to their own machinations or those of the people around were mostly sheltered from the fallout.  A lot of us are on own & have no such protections.

We need to ask why.  That's the only way we can ever see if there's something we could do to avoid the same crapfest further down the road.  Sometimes you can, but not always.   Really asking the why's & trying to deal with them is hard & exhausting.  

All I can say, is bad things will happen.  We can only deal with them & try to avoid them the best we can with what we have.   We should try to live in a place that allows us solace, not somewhere constantly testing our ability to survive.   Survival isn't living.  It's taxing & some day our skills to do so will fail.

My hope for most of us is safe harbor, even if just long enough to breath.


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