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Saturday, September 16, 2023

More Than Treatment Is Needed...


Treatment as prevention is not working.  IMO, it was never a solid concept.  It was a push meds.  Awareness, education, testing & other preventative measures should never have been marginalized so  pharmaceutical companies could hawk more drugs.   

While deaths from HIV/AIDS have lessened transmissions have risen.   This article provides some info on that matter.  This is a concise piece with maps.  I normally wouldn't quote this much, but it's the entire point.

Situation & trends In 2022, the global number of people living with HIV was roughly 39.0 million, compared to 26.6 million in 2000.

Even if meds have prevented the deaths of possibly millions.  The virus has spread & grown by a ⅓ globally.  How?

The WHO African Region remains most severely affected, with 1 in every 30 adults (3.2%) living with HIV and accounting for two-thirds of the people living with HIV worldwide. In 2022, the number of people living with HIV reached 25.6 million in this region.

⅔ of the people living with HIV in the world live in Africa.   It's a huge continent, but how is it that a single place could account for that number?  While this area continues to need more medication.  It also has a vast need for other approaches to help stop transmissions before they happen.  What will work?   I don't know.  Africa has faced this & other deadly diseases for generations & little seems to have lasting impact.  There are too many cultural, religious, economic & other health issues.  Many of these hinder, if not completely prevent, the fight against HIV.

What should be done?  That's a good question.  I don't have any answers.  But I do know that treatment alone has failed.


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