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Thursday, September 7, 2023



I had a blip on my last bloodwork.  My new specialist is the nervous kind.  He's reminds of a little dog trying to prove how big he is while checking off all his little boxes.  Anyway while I haven't had many, this isn't my 1st blip.   An undetectable viral load is under 20 copies per ml.  For some older tests that threshold is 50.  Mine was 28.   I'm still considered virally suppressed.  That's anything under 200, again those numbers were higher with older test.

This is a short piece over blips.  There are a lot online.  If you have a number slightly above undetectable wait until your next test.  It's likely to have gone back down.  As seldom as most people get test, 1 - 4 times annually, it's likely blips are more common than thought to be.  You're dealing with a virus & your body, nothing is static in this equation. Fluctuation is normal.  That's why testing is important.

That's it for now, take care.


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