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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September Being Sucky...


My birth month never disappoints.  September always finds a way to change its name to Sucktember.   There'd already been a power pole issue, a nervous doctor & a water outage.  As of yesterday, there was several hour internet outage & when we went out, we noticed the AC wasn't working on the driver's side.  We called to make an appointment for the car.  It'll be a week from Friday.  At least it's not the middle of August.

There's been a lot of stress & now more stress, plus money spent.  Next week was already fairly full, so of course everything wants to add to the mix. Oh yes & everyone on the net was touting their 9-11 banners to look patriotic.  There's always that next thing.

Add to all of this, it rained last night.  It's dark this morning & I'm having a hard time waking up.  It's always easy to spot September.  It's usually near the top of sucktastic months & it's a gateway for the dark.  Very little good happens during this month.


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