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Friday, September 22, 2023

Rain & Jumping The Gun...


It rained again last night.  When I was younger I loved sleeping during thunderstorms.  It was some of my best sleep.  Nowadays, not so much.  Almost every clap of thunder, high wind wind or rush rain wakes me just a little.  Then I wake fairly dehydrated.   I guess all the moisture in my body wanted to join the rain.   This could happen the next couple of nights as well.  The dark mornings aren't helping any.

There have been some reports out recently about a great, new approach to curing HIV.   None of those articles are being completely accurate.  Those titles are click bait to get readers.  They detail monoclonal antibodies & their associated therapies.  This approach was used in COVID vaccinations.   While a good start, they aren't curing HIV.  These therapies are targeting many ailments from cancer to alzheimer's & now HIV.  Maybe someday this will lead to great things.  But that isn't today.  Click bait is always annoying, but with medical info it's disgusting & potentially dangerous.

That's all for now.  Need to get a shower before we go shopping.  Hope the mechanic calls soon about the car.  Take care.


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