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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Plan Issues...

My roomie & I made plans to attend the film we saw yesterday back in either late July or early August.  Everything was fine until a couple of weeks ago when the plan was coming into being.  We saw there were a couple of collisions possible with other things going on, but we had wiggle room.   The closer the day got, the more things tried to interfere with us seeing the movie.  An appointment time got changed.  A friend needed my roomie roomie do an errand for her.  The car had issues.  Everything conspired against us seeing the movie, even the weather.

My roomie couldn't have done the favor for her friend, it was during her appointment time.  Still she had to explain that matter.  The appointment ran a little later than expected.  The weather was iffy.  By the time the day was here, we were stressed out about going to see a movie.  It was turning into a long day for my roomie.  I was worried we'd get over there after all the crap & the movie would suck.

The movie was fine, things went well, still we were exhausted & stressed.   It was not as good a day as it could've been if things had just butted the hell out of it.  But that's not our life.  To make matters more insulting, we crunched our plans to accommodate something later in the week for someone else.  After the day was nearly over & we were spent, my roomie gets news.  The person with the later plan cancelled.  We didn't have to crunch our week.  A lot of good that info did us then.

The movie was good.  The rest of the day not so much.  It didn't have to be that hard.  We still have plans for the week, but they're in town & should go fine.  They're things of necessity, not some little bit of diversion for us.  At this point, everything else needs to soundly go screw itself & stay out of our business.  Way to go Sucktember.


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