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Sunday, September 24, 2023

STI's Soar, Condoms Ignored...


This article & others have detailed the constant push PrEP & treatment over condom usage.   In the early 2000s, Syphilis was nearly eradicated.  The transmission of it & many other STIs wear declining.  That's no longer the case.  Many are roaring back & some are becoming drug resistant.   Now they're push a post application to prevent these STIs.  It's an antibiotic called doxycycline, also referred to as Doxy-PEP.  

So instead of pushing condoms, they opt for expensive medications before & after.  Who's benefiting here?  That's easy, the drug companies are raking in the cash & many health professionals are getting incentives to promote PrEP & PEP over condoms.  They've turned this into medical fashion & condoms are so passé.  

More cash is spent on meds.  More diseases occur needing more meds.  Therefore more is spent on meds.   Only the pharma companies gain.   Condoms are relatively cheap & work against STIs, not just HIV.  They're also birth control. 

Doxycycline isn't expensive, but it is does need a prescription.  There's a doctor's visit.  Also another drug in your system.  This med is a Tetracycline antibiotic.  It's old school.  How long before it's ineffective against these STIs?  Certain people shouldn't take Tetracycline, younger & pregnant.  It has a host of interactions & reactions for some people.  I tolerated it fine, but some don't. 

Between PrEP, Doxy-PEP, doctor visits & lab work; you could easily spend between $25K - 40K annually depending on your med needs, residence & insurance/assistance.  Whereas condoms sold in quantity are under a buck a piece.  There are places that will provide free condoms.  So if you're a F'Bunny & needed like 3 a day everyday, that'd be like just under 1,100 condoms.  Amazon & other online suppliers sell packs of 1K condoms for $150 - $200.  So a little over that is still just a fraction of PrEP cost without doctors or drug issues.

Choosing PrEP over condoms or choosing treatment as prevention are incredibly stupid options.  They don't work better than condoms & cost a fortune.  But by all mean buy that pharma CEO his next gold toilet & ivory back scratcher. 


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