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Sunday, September 17, 2023



The whole world seems set on comparing woes & privileges.  The reason for the examination of differences doesn't matter.  The end is always the same. He/She/Them/They have it better than me or mine.   This can be about any kind opportunities, resources or hardships.  

I'm not saying some don't have more means in this life, they do.  There are millions of people in this world who have things far worse than me.  However, there are also millions who have it considerably better.   Would I like things to be better?  Absolutely.  But thinking about what others have & focusing on what I don't will only make things worse for me. 

People call for equality, equity & justice.  That sounds great, but it's not the world we live in & won't be anytime soon.  So what about the now?   This isn't a post with answers.  I know that I would like my life to be better.  There some things I probably need to be better.  There are plenty of people around who have it better.  Does focusing on that help me?  No, it doesn't.  It'll bring me down when I'm just trying to stay afloat. 

Again, I don't have any answers.  But I do know constantly comparing yourself or your situation to others won't help.  Envy like hope, is just a thief.  It'll take from you, but never give anything in return.  Maybe, I'm not even in the middle of things.  But, I know I'm not on the bottom of the pile.  


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