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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Biannual Pill...


This article is about Gilead's Lenacapavir.   This medication is up for use as a PrEP option & treatment for those facing multidrug resistance.  It is an HIV capsid inhibitor.  Capsid inhibitors affect enzymes & proteins viruses need to replicate.  The novel thing about this drug  is that it's biannual.  A shot  given only twice a year has a  lot  of perks, especially for those who have difficulty with pills.  

This sounds amazing.  It's a new medication with a  newer approach.   That's awesome.  However, this is also a bit worrisome.  What if it fails?   It could mean a several months people weren't protected from HIV or treating their virus.  6 months is long time between intervals.  Maybe I'm overly concerned.  But, this will be the 1st medication of its kind, I think an abundance of concern is warranted.

That's all for now,  take care.


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