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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Last Week...


It's the last week of August.  It's also the last week of me being this age.  I'm so f'ing pissed off.  Because of all the asshats that refuse to handle COVID  properly I'm having another fucked up year.   Thanks to COVID, there aren't any movies out I want to see.  Even if  there were, I don't know if it'd be worth it.  I don't  want to pick up food from a restaurant.  I'm tired of  takeout or eating in the damned car.  I understand  why we have to, but I hate it.  Once this crap is passed, so is my constantly f'ing eating takeout & or in the car. 

To all you assholes out there that refuse to do your part to end COVID,  thanks so damned much for  ruining a good chunk of my life.  Now if you'd just go & F'ing die, I'd really love it.   Thanks to you another year will be ruined, so just kill yourselves already.  Nobody will really care anyway.

I'm done for now, but this rant is far from over.  To  every anti-vaxxer, may you slide down a rusty razor into the filth pit of an afterlife you deserve.  For everyone else, take care & try to be safe.


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