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Friday, August 27, 2021

PrEP Adherence...


This article is about recipients' adherence to PrEP meds once started.  During this 6+ year study over half the subjects discontinued usage at some point.  Many resumed at a later time.   The study was heavily skewed with 95% of the subjects reporting as male.  These were adults with a fairly standard racial break down for the U.S.  It was higher in regards to Asians & lower for those of African decent.

The study showed significant interruptions in usage for a variety of reasons;  access, cost, cultural, etc... The reasons do matter, but only as to how to overcome them.  The problem is, PrEP's efficacy is affected by how it's taken.  If not as prescribed, the protection offered will lessen.  It could lead to possible drug resistance in some strains of HIV.

Even with my own issues with PrEP, some of these are matters for social workers & counselors, not MD's. a doctor is there for patients'  medical needs, not to contend with the ills of the world.  People do need more assistance when it comes to medical matters.  But, IMO, that can't rest on the physician's.  The problem here isn't just the meds,  costs, accessibility or the cultural problems.  It's mostly the healthcare system of this nation's inability to meet the needs of its people.


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