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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Rainy Day Maybe...


August weather is still weird.   Even the hot days we had were cloudy.  That just trapped the humidity.  It's been off & on rainy since Sunday.  It might or might  not today.  I guess we'll see.  Right now, it's a muggy gloomfest.  So much for Summer 2021.  

A notable chunk of my early 50's were spent in a dark, vexing, pandemic crapzone.  At least half of Oklahoma could fall over dead & I wouldn't care. After living through the AIDS scare & COVID, I know 1 thing.  It  could be raining molten acid & these idiots would stay outside screaming obscenities.  They'd blame various groups.  All the while, dying from something they could've avoided.  Most people are selfish, idiotic narcissist.  They'd rather die than admit they were wrong.


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