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Saturday, August 14, 2021



We're about halfway through August.   Most schools are back in session.  This is 2 crappy Summers in a  row.   I hate everyone who has helped this COVID crap continue because of them being stupid, raging asshats.  

My birthday is in 2 weeks.  What I'd like for a present is for those people to die & this to be over.  It's was 2019 since most of us could really relax.  This has been exhausting.  It's been taxing enough already, without all the violent idiocy.

I have no idea what I'll do for my birthday.  I'd love to go out.  But there's little to do & even less that's probably safe.  We still never got do anything for my roomie's birthday last year.  

That's it for now, take care.  I'll try to get off this death wishing, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


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