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Sunday, August 8, 2021

HIV Who...


For too long Americans have held the attitude HIV is a Gay thing.  Although in the States, HIV may be more commonly spread via male on male sexacts, that doesn't make it Gay.  Many of those men do not consider themselves gay.  Many are trans, bi or opportunists.   This is also leaves out the the IV drug use.

This may be true in the US, but not elsewhere.   African numbers are usually higher with women.  The last stats I saw, stated 80% of new cases in the area were with female.  In Africa, HIV is a very hetero thing.  

What it actually notes is the spread of the virus from the dominant culture to a less powered section of the population.   It's highly likely HIV was originally spread by travelling men who were sexually active & opportunistic.  Little of this matters now.   The focus should be awareness, prevention & treatment.


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