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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

You're Sorry, Right...


Recently rapper, Dababy, said some foul things at his concert.  He let the world know his opinion on Gays & HIV+ people.  After having his ass handed to him by the public, peers & collaborators, he "apologized."  He went on his version of an apology tour.  

I hate the concept of apology tours.  You did own, own it.  If you don't want to own it, don't do it.  If you screwed up, admit it & move on. Dababy's  actions  weren't a mistake, they were a misjudged attack with more severe consequences than he expected.

He was dropped from a lot future engagements.  His apologies evaporated.  I wish people would accept  there are a lot of artists out there who hate Gay people & those HIV+.  They think they can have a public  meltdown or attack & then makeup for with an "apology" on social media.  This man meant what he said.  Or at least  thought it would resonate with his audience.  Think about that.  That's  the kind of artist some of you are supporting.  I don't think he should  be cancelled.  But, I wouldn't support him or pay to  see him.  Vote with you wallet not the mob.

Apologies are easy for people like this.  Controlling themselves & being accountable are the hard things.  Never trust a simple "I'm sorry," after a heinous act.  That's how abusive relations start.


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