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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Worried About Care...

A result of the corona situation, is many worry people with non-COVID-19 issues aren't reporting to the ER or their doctors out of fear of contracting the virus.   I haven't found any numbers concerning this fear, but the lower traffic at ER's & urgent care centers would seem to support the idea.  

Is the fear justified?  Should you wait for whatever to be treated or risk being exposed to something that might actually you kill?  The professionals are telling people to come in or call.  They've set up telemedicine & more, but will it be enough?  Do most people even know about them?  

While some people are out being ridiculous & protesting the virus.  Others are staying home with serious health issues because they're afraid of what waits for them at the hospital.  An example of a complete lack of concern & of possibly far too much caution being practiced.  Which is right?


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