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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4 Things...

1st, our internet went out last night, I'm doing this quickly in case of a repeat.  I'm tired this morning.  This weather & crap is  keeping me worn out.

2nd, according to this piece, the maker of Truvada, Gilead is filing a counter suit.  The US has filed litigation against the company for violating agreements.   The drugmaker claims the US violated the agreement by secretly filing patents protections.   I have no idea where this will end up.

3rd, this article ties HIV research to COVID-19.   The piece discusses the drug Cabotegravir which is a long acting med similar to Dolutegravir, in drugs like Triumeq.  The difference being Cabotegravir has a much longer half-life & has been tied to long lasting HIV med research.  

Most research is looking at 1-3 months, this study is looking into an annual injection.  The piece says it would not only being a treatment but act as a vaccine for the duration.   This wouldn't be a vaccine, but a short term stand in for it.  

The piece was rather click-baity with it's tie to COVID-19.  The only thing it mentioned was this kind of research could be applied to treating COVID.  Sort of a cheap shot, but the article is interesting.

4th, it's supposed to storm pretty bad this evening.   It could knock out the net & power.   If it does, it may take a while for things to get back up.  Tomorrow's post could be late. Hopefully, it won't be that bad.


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