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Monday, April 6, 2020

Figure It Out...

For weeks, there has been an OpEd battle concerning HIV & COVID-19.  Most say people with their HIV suppressed are at no greater risk from coronavirus.  Others say, HIV+ people are at  significantly greater risk. Going by the language & the implied intent, I'm going with the former.   There doesn't seem to be any reason why a person who's HIV is well controlled should be at greater risk than anyone else.

These articles have proliferated during this period.  Most pieces concerning COVID-19 suggest remaining  calm, using increased sanitation, employing common sense & staying socially distant.  Others, all but suggest it's the end of the world.  Still others, act like COVID-19 is nothing but a scare tactic & should be ignored, especially if you're religious.   Personally, I'd go with stay calm & removed.

During times like this, info can be evasive.  Trustable sources can be even more difficult to find.  Too may "experts" are in denial, like preaching, like scolding, etc... Listen to the ones staying as calm as possible considering the situation. Professionals who stay calm & neutral may not always be correct, but they have the best track record.

Take care & be safe.


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