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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cold Wet Complications...

It turned cold again.  It dropped down into the 30's overnight & won't reach 50 today.  The skies are grey & rainy.   Adding to this, is COVID-19.

To make matters worse, Walmart is limiting the number of people in their stores.  They say it's to limit the spread of the virus.  It feels like a PR stunt  in case of litigation.  Limiting store occupancy may sound reasonable until you consider some people can't wait in lines.  Anyone with mobility issues will be out of luck.  And, Walmart's online buying options do not cut it.  I don't want milk with a 2 day grace period before it's expiration or bad produce.

Thanks, weather for sucking.  Thanks, Walmart for sucking harder.  It's time to turn to other options.

Take care. A good to all, except Walmart.


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