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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Please Stop...

Everywhere you look, you see COVID-19.  It's posted on ever store, printed on publications, pushed on websites & touted on TV.   It ranges from stores stating they're closed.  To do-gooders, sermonizers & neigh sayers giving you their unwanted 2¢.  Some are screaming scare tactics & paranoia.  Most have an agenda.

Many of these doomsayers & informants aren't there for your well being.  They're pushing their political & marketing strategies.  They want you in a certain head space.  Watched a show on AMC & in an hour there were over a dozen commercials, almost all were COVID-19 hypebeasts for various companies, from Toyota to Dove.  

It'd do a lot of good if we would  tune these things out.  Mute the ads, put down the publications, block the social media postings.  Don't scare yourself or let them make you believe they care.  If you want info on COVID, go to the health department or CDC.  Companies are interested in maintaining a public presence & sales.  Politicians are invested in elections.  Soap boxers are narcissists. 

You are smart enough to get through this.  You can find the info you need on legitimate websites or call health departments.  You can be as safe as possible.  You don't have to feed these beasts your time, attention, $ or mental health.  For your sake, stop & turn away.  These people aren't here for you, they're just keeping the pot stirred.


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