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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Stormy Morning...

It's storming, we've already had a lot of rain.  The power/net could go out, so I'll this handled quickly.  Windows just had to update this morning.  

I read an OpEd over if attitudes had changed about people living with HIV or gay characters.  The answer, not really.   Are we better represented?  Gay people & those living with HIV are more common on the screen, but not better represented.   Media uses people like us for spice, flare & points.  They use Gays to show how advanced they are.  But, rarely are those characters any less cliche than they were 30 years ago when HIV movies began. 

But, does any media company represent anyone well or beyond a stock image of their kind?   I think the answer to that is generally, No.  I've never seen anyone like me on screen.   I doubt you have either.  People are complex, characters can never match our depth when they're measured in minutes.   There is more representation, but not better.


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