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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Normalcy In The Time Of Covid-19...

There is a push for things to return to normal.   I get the drive towards the familiar.  I also understand returning to old routines could be a huge risk during this struggle to contain the virus.  

People find comfort in habitual behavior.  They like knowing what to expect from the day.  They want to just go to the stores as usual & unimpeded.   That's just not going to be the case for a bit.  

Something else likes routines & habits, predators.   This is an extreme correlation, but think about it.  People will change their routes to throw off stalkers & thieves.  Animals will take precautions at watering holes.  This virus is no less predatory than an assailant or croc.    It's waiting for it's next host to propagate, flourish & repeat.

Breaking up our normalcy with physical distance & other safety measures is the best way for us to avoid COVID-19.   It's unpleasant & disconcerting, but necessary.  Would you rather be thrown off your routine for a while & remain healthy or would you prefer the alternative?


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